08 maio, 2008

Couver bem conservado

Pois então. Estivemos no último feriado na simpática cidade de Conservatória. Uns 500 metros acima do nível do mar, o distrito de Valença é uma ótima opção pra quem quer uma pousada no campo, onde possa ouvir alguns rocks rurais. No caso, eu e Daniela aproveitamos pra dormir, comer, beber, jogar buraco e ouvir boa música, no geral.

O lugar é conhecido como capital da seresta, mas bom mesmo por lá são as rodas de chorinho. A oficial é todo sábado, às 11h. Mas na sexta à noite já rola apresentação informal que vale muito a pena. Músicos de alta qualidade tocando por puro prazer.

A experiência gastronômica também foi bastante agradável, tendo o couvert no restaurante "XXXXX ????" se destacado na multidão. No menu: torradas, manteiga, ovos de codorna, beringela, tomate seco, azeitonas e salame.

As torradas como tem que ser, bem crocantes e perfeitamente complementadas pela tradicional manteiga de potinho. Os ovos de codorna marcaram presença pela temperatura. Estavam quentinhos, dando aquela impressão de feito na hora.

O salame estava nota 100, saborosíssimo. A beringela e o tomate seco entre bom e ótimo. O único porém ficou por conta das azeitonas, exageradamente temperadas. Talvez por terem ficando no caldo do pires, junto com o salame e o tomate seco.

07 maio, 2008

Jogos Olímpicos

Depois de algum tempo voltei a ouvir essa música hoje. Tá no album Amused to Death, do Roger Waters.

"We were Watching TV
Watching TV
In Tiananmen Square
Lost my baby there
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes

She was a short order pastry chef
In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
She had shiny hair
She was the daughter of an engineer

Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes

She had perfect breasts
She had high hopes
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was a student of philosophy

Won't you grieve with me
For my yellow rose
Shed a tear
For her bloodstained clothes

She had shiny hair
She had perfect breasts
She had high hopes
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was the daughter of an engineer

So get out your pistols
Get out your stones
Get out your knives
Cut them to the bone
They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine

They built the dark satanic mills
That manufacture hell on earth
They bought the front row seats on Calvary
They are irrelevant to me
But I grieve for my sister

People of China
Do not forget do not forget
The children who died for you
Long live the Republic
Did we do anything after this?
I've a feeling we did

We were watching TV
Watching TV
She wore a white bandanna that said
Freedom now
She thought the Great Wall of China
Would come tumbling down
She was a student
Her father was an engineer

Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes

Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek
That no-good low-down dirty rat
Who used to order his troops
To fire on the women and children
Imagine that... imagine that.

And in the spring of '48
Mao Tse-tung got quite irate
And he kicked that old dictator Chiang
Out of the state of China

Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa
And they armed the island of Quemoy
And the shells were flying across the China Sea
And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory
Called Taiwan

And she is different from Cro-Magnon man
She's different from Anne Boleyn
She is different from the Rosenbergs
And from the unknown Jew

She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan
Half superstar half victim
She's a victor star conceptually new

And she is different from the Dodo
And from the Kankanbono
She is different from the Aztec
And from the Cherokee

She's everybody's sister
She's symbolic of our failure
She's the one in fifty million
Who can help us to be free

Because she died on TV"

04 maio, 2008

Café com leite

Essa eu nunca tinha visto.

Quarta-feira passada estive na Rodoviária Novo Rio pra pegar um ônibus pra Conservatória, onde passamos o feriado.

Fomos tomar um café da manhã numa lanchonete no segundo andar, na área de desembarque. Pedi dois pães na chapa pra minha mulher e um café pra mim, mas... eles só vendem café com leite!

Pensei em pedir um café com leite sem leite, mas era arrumar muita confusão pra beber um café muito provavelmente ruim e excessivamente caro (R$ 2).